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Kategorier - FlueFiskeri - Flueliner - Klasse 6


Beskrivelse:Xstream WF8500 - Floating - #6 - 14g - Pre-looped

Xstream flylines are designed to be easy to cast and ready to fish. With pre-welded loops you can quickly attach the line and leader and start making long beautiful casts.

The special taper and short belly are optimized for all fishing conditions. where a smooth cast. delicate presentation and distance are required.

Just add water!
  • 7070795205914 - Xstream WF8500 - Floating - #6 - 14g - Pre-looped<BR>
Xstream flylines are designed to be easy to cast and ready to fish. With pre-welded loops you can quickly attach the line and leader and start making long beautiful casts.<BR>
The special taper and short belly are optimized for all fishing conditions. where a smooth cast. delicate presentation and distance are required.<BR>
Just add water!
Pris: 599,00

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